Eliza Curby’s story of the successes and challenges of parenting, overcoming the storms of raising three children under the age of two, including twins born just six weeks after welcoming her heart her first daughter.

She became famous when she fell pregnant with twins just six weeks after giving birth.

And now, nearly one year on from when she had her twins, Sydney mother, Eliza Curby, has shared what having three babies under the age of two has taught her about motherhood.

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia about the lessons she’s learned, Eliza, 28, said life has been a ‘juggling act’ for the past 12 months:

‘For the first six months, I don’t remember much, I was running on empty,’ she told FEMAIL. ‘But with the one year anniversary coming up, I can finally feel like I’ve nearly got this.’

Eliza Curby’s story of the successes and challenges of parenting, overcoming the storms of raising three children under the age of two, including twins born just six weeks after welcoming her heart her first daughter.

Eliza Curby, 28, from Sydney (pictured), fell pregnant with twins (also pictured) just six weeks after giving birth to her first daughter, Charlie

Eliza Curby’s story of the successes and challenges of parenting, overcoming the storms of raising three children under the age of two, including twins born just six weeks after welcoming her heart her first daughter.

Having had Charlie (pictured right) in January 2016, the young mum later gave birth to Jack and Wolfe (pictured left) on Christmas Eve 2016

Eliza Curby’s story of the successes and challenges of parenting, overcoming the storms of raising three children under the age of two, including twins born just six weeks after welcoming her heart her first daughter.

Nearly one year on from when she had her twins Eliza (pictured) has shared what having three babies under the age of two has taught her about motherhood

Eliza Curby’s story of the successes and challenges of parenting, overcoming the storms of raising three children under the age of two, including twins born just six weeks after welcoming her heart her first daughter.

Eliza’s three children are pictured together here

So what wisdom can Eliza pass on to other first-time mothers?

Eliza Curby’s story of the successes and challenges of parenting, overcoming the storms of raising three children under the age of two, including twins born just six weeks after welcoming her heart her first daughter.

Eliza Curby’s advice for first-time mums

* Don’t overthink the whole parenting thing. It’s so easy to become anxious when you’re bombarded with what parenting ‘should’ look like.

‘There is so much I’ve learned over the past year,’ she explained. ‘The main thing would be to relax my “pre baby” standards I set for myself – like having a clean house or the washing done.

‘I have a new-found appreciation for single parents who do this on their own! But I’ve also learned to not sweat the small stuff – for instance, if the kids have to eat a peanut butter sandwich for dinner some nights, I’m not a lazy mum – I’m just practical.’

Eliza Curby’s story of the successes and challenges of parenting, overcoming the storms of raising three children under the age of two, including twins born just six weeks after welcoming her heart her first daughter.

At present, Eliza and her partner Ben have got used to doing things in full measures. She went from being a mum of none to a mother of three – Charlie, Jack and Wolfe – in 12 ‘very short’ months.

Having had Charlie in January 2016, Eliza later gave birth to the twins on Christmas Eve 2016 – something which she never expected.

Eliza also said she’s learned the importance of the old parenting adage, ‘it takes a village’:

‘It really does,’ she laughed. ‘I owe my sanity to my partner, the grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends.’

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia about the lessons she’s learned, Eliza, 28, said life has been a ‘juggling act’ for the past 12 months (pictured in hospital with her partner, Ben, and the twins)

‘For the first six months, I don’t remember much, I was running on empty,’ she told FEMAIL. ‘But with the one year anniversary coming up, I can finally feel like I’ve nearly got this’

Eliza said she’s learned a lot about motherhood over the past twelve months, but mainly it’s important to ‘relax’ your pre-baby standards

I’ve also learned to not sweat the small stuff – for instance, if the kids have to eat a peanut butter sandwich for dinner some nights, I’m not a lazy mum – I’m just practical,’ she said

While Eliza said that, at times, life with three young children has been a struggle (mainly with transportation), she said that having three kids so young is also hugely rewarding:

‘Watching the three interact with each other and being able to observe the bond forming, building up slowly as the twins begin to “get it”. They love each other and I can see it.’

However, she has no plans to have any more children:

‘We don’t plan on more babies for the future. I had always imagined having four, so I’m not opposed to the idea,’ she said.

‘But I’m loving our life as it is. I feel like we’ve got the perfect little family.’

Of course, life on occasions for Eliza has been a struggle – mainly with transportation – she told FEMAIL having three young children is also very rewarding

‘Watching the three interact with each other and being able to observe the bond forming, building up slowly as the twins begin to “get it”. They love each other and I can see it,’ she explained (the twins pictured)


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