After being abandoned in the desert, a mother dog and her six puppies are rescued.

After being abandoned in the desert, a mother dog and her six puppies are rescued.

Mother Dog and Her Six Puppies Are Saved After Being Left in the Desert.

A mother dog and her six puppies called Hope For Paws, an animal rescue in California, asking for assistance.

Apparently, the dog was abandoned while pregnant in the desert, where she gave birth to six puppies. Fortunately, she found safety at a nursery for plants. She was given food and water by her generous owners, who also requested assistance from the rescue.

The dogs were rescued by Hope For Paws owner Eldad, who traveled 3 hours to the desert. He made the decision to name the mother dog Moon as soon as he turned onto the nursery’s road, Desert Moon Drive.7

After being abandoned in the desert, a mother dog and her six puppies are rescued.

The adorable and amiable dog approached her rescuer with her tail wagging. Moon ran towards me as if anticipating my arrival when she heard my voice, laid down, and rolled over. Eldad remembered, “It was such a wonderful moment.

She didn’t object when he picked up her puppies because she understood that he was there to help.

Eldad called Moon “special” several times and expressed his surprise at how loving and trusting she was.

All the dogs were loaded into the car for the trip back to Los Angeles after making sure the puppies were fed and giving Moon a cheeseburger.


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