Video and photos of two brothers fighting over pacifiers. The helpless mother didn’t know what to do, making netizens laugh because she was so cute.

Video and photos of two brothers fighting over pacifiers. The helpless mother didn’t know what to do, making netizens laugh because she was so cute.

As one of the twins takes the pacifier, the other is left crying until she manages to retrieve it again.

baby fight

Dressed in matching white T-shirts with contrasting green and beige trousers, the twins pass the pacifier between themselves four times in the clip.

baby fight

The rivalry appears to be resolved when the baby wearing the green trousers realizes that she can avoid her sister’s grasp by turning her head to the side.

The  video, which dates back four months, has provoked strong reactions since being recently posted by the Italian Facebook page Love E Beautiful, where it has been viewed two million times.

baby fight

Rosie-Marie Quaglieri commented on Facebook: “They’re just teaching those poor kids to be aggressive.”

baby fight

Adding to the debate, Samantha Tilbury said: “Just imagine how happy and sweet they would be if they both had a  pacifier. Starting sibling rivalry young. They have years for that; why can’t you enjoy the age where you can prevent it before you have no control?”
She said: “These are rare moments that you will never see again, and you are idiots if you think there is only one  pacifier. Maybe only one of the twins wanted one before the other twin realized what it was. My goodness, people, get a grip. I love this  video. I have a lot of rare moment videos of my seven-month-old; my 22-year-old and my 20-year-old wished I had  videos of them.”
baby fight

Isye Scott echoed similar sentiments: “How cute, the  video is just simply about the cute twins pulling the pacifier off each other, and the mother or father simply enjoying the cuteness of it. I bet they have dozens of them, not because they won’t give them, it’s just simply showing their cuteness. I love how she turns her face away.”

She advised the parents to enjoy the “baby fight” as it won’t be “cute anymore” when they’re older.


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